This is how BUSY I have been…I wrote this blog “Sour Puss” about three weeks ago…and I am just NOW getting around to posting it…I promise you though, I am in a MUCH better mood than I was in when this particular post was written. J
Sour Puss.
So do you ever just have one of those days where it seems like EVERYONE, yourself included, is in a super bitchy mood?
Today was that day in Northwest Arkansas.
I woke up in one of those, “I can already tell today is going to require me to use my bitch ammo,” type days. So when I was showering I had already started thinking about everything that I had going on, who I could have pissed off, what they were going to say to me, what I would say back to them. Then I started thinking about people who had pissed ME off, and it just didn’t make for a pleasant shower. So I just decided to skip shaving my legs and wear jeans because I was ready to just get out of that shower that was trying to make me feel better.
So of course I was expecting to turn on the news and see terrible things, more terrible than the normal news, and it was going to ruin my day even more, so I kept the news off and decided to check emails…and BAM! There it was in all of its glory…an email, ranting and raving at me from someone who, frankly, I’m not too fond of right now anyways. My first thought was to turn on the news instead…and then my second thought was to snap back, with some well thought out witty puns and low blows, but I knew that was a bad idea. So instead I sat, and sat, and tried to come up with something nice to say because I am pretty sure that’s how the saying goes…’If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all…’ something along those lines. Either way, I tried to respond to said email as politely and cordially as I could muster…and apparently that was an EPIC fail, because I got an even LENGTHIER, sarcastically written email several hours later. Damn it.
I feel like I should be more upset about being on bad terms with someone that I’m close with…but let’s face it. Today is NOT the day to try and convince me that I am a nice person, because honestly I feel like the world’s biggest bitch today; a crabby, sarcastic, selfish bitch. Eegads. I don’t even want to be around my own attitude today. Haha.
I have to admit though, as the day has gone on I have gotten in a slightly better mood. My kids do that for me. It could be the worst day of my life, and their little arms wrapped around my neck giving me a hug makes it all just disappear.
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