Wow. I don’t even know where to start. Let’s see…my last blog was February 17th…
so much has happened from that point until now. This blog could just be considered a catcher-upper.
Monday February 14th was Valentine’s Day of course. And it was also the day that
I left my job at RE/MAX. It was a very relieving act that is for sure. I was getting fed up with the way things were running, or not running for that matter, don’t worry I’ll spare you all of the gory details. J So after that point, Sean and I sat down and had that great marriage chat of, “Let’s make some changes in our lives, what steps do we want to take.” And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when I decided to go ahead and do real estate classes, in an actual classroom so I could pass, and just be my own boss. It would give me more time to spend with the boys, and still be in the career field I love. So once that was all said and done, I called the real estate school and signed up for classes, which started on the 28th of February. I don’t
really remember much else of what happened that week, it must have been pretty dull after that point.
The next week however, was when my life took a dramatic turn.
Over the weekend my grandmother took a turn for the worse. We knew it was getting close, but let’s face it, no one ever wants to truly admit that it’s coming, and so we were all on edge and waiting. Wednesday February 23rd I got a phone
call from my mother saying that I needed to go up to the hospital and prepare myself to say my goodbyes. Sean drove me up there and I hugged and kissed on that beautiful woman until I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I made my peace and thanked her for everything she had done for me, and for the person she had made me. I told her I loved her, and I thank God each and every day, that for a few moments that night, she had the strength and the lucidity to tell me that she loved me back. And I won’t ever forget the sound of her voice saying those words. That night was a haze, and the next day wasn’t any better. I had never prayed or cried that hard in my life, and I knew deep down in my heart that everything I had been preparing myself for was right around the corner. I was right. On February 24, 2011 my wonderful grandmother left us, and went to join God. It’s so hard for us still here, and we know we shouldn’t dwell, but it’s hard.
The next day Sean stayed home with me, and we let Jack go on with his day as usual. I hadn’t quite figured out how to tell him that she was gone…so we spent the entire day at my mom’s house with my big brothers and had a good time. We laughed and we cried and we just spent time as a family. I know it would have made my grandmother happy to see us come together like that. The weekend was a blur, and by Monday I had gotten up the courage to tell Jack. He was heartbroken and didn’t understand, and asked a lot of really hard questions that I tried my best to answer…but let’s face it. No matter how many parenting books you read or classes you take, NOTHING can prepare you for that conversation. But, once it is all said and done, you move on together as a family and begin healing.
Which leads me to the next phase of the catch up blog.
The Monday after my grandmother passed, I began my class for my real estate license. It was a two week class, every day…and let me tell you, it was exhausting. Haha! But I made it through and passed! Woo! I will post a picture of my diploma on here! Somewhere in those two weeks, we managed to sign a short lease on a place in Fayetteville so that we could move down there to be closer to Sean’s work. Then, the weekend AFTER my class ended we packed up our amazing house, and moved. L I can’t say that I was 100% keen on being in Fayetteville, it is unfamiliar territory and a little overwhelming at times, but we have been here for a week now, and it is slowly growing on me. Never will it hold a flame to Bentonville, but let’s face it, we want to be down this way because of the land and country that is available to us so if living IN Fayetteville temporarily helps us fulfill our goal of buying a house then that’s what I’ll do!
So that is where we are as of now. In Fayetteville, adjusting, healing, growing, loving and just being together as a family. J There are a lot of little details that have happened that didn’t make it into this blog, but you’ll pick up on them as the blogs go on. Now that things aren’t so hectic anymore I will have time to blog everyday again. Whew! And that’s good, because I missed it!
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